Cindy Fenn
Birth Doula - Melbourne
Be confidently ready
& fully supported to trust your intuition & get the birth you want
Receive quality support during pregnancy and labour.
Feel peace of mind & reassurance with a doula in your birth team
As your doula, I can :
Help you understand YOUR birth physiology and your birth hormones
Be part of a rock solid birth team you can trust and lean on in the challenging parts of your birth
inspire confidence in your capacity to birth even if you have not done it before.
nurture crystal clear communication to your birth partner on the 'action plan' for how he can be the rockstar birth support and loving energy that makes you feel so connected to your experience.
Up- level the communication and conversations you have with your caregivers
Create clear set ups for birth team roles & responsibilities during labour and “Crisis of Confidence”.
Shift and transmute ANY energy of self-doubt ➔ into birth goddess energy brimming with intuitive self trust and excitement for the profound day you birth your baby - It's possible!!!!
FREEBIE: Get Clear: 10 Questions to Ask Your Care-Provider
Too often I hear women say I wish I knew that with my first birth and this breaks my heart knowing that to make empowered choices you need to know ALL your options.
This FREE powerhouse of a PDF outlines the 10 potent & essential questions to ask your Care Provider so you can know and understand what your options are, avoiding that "wish i knew that' scenario.

Book a free 15 minute birth plan call to see how Cindy as your doula helps you get your best birth vibes & empowered dream birth …
All the ways you can work with me…

Mother Blessing and Rite of Passage Circles
Rite of passage circle or Mother Blessing is an a beautiful opportunity to honour this significant time in your life.
The Circle is a chance to connect in with the body, your baby and IMPORTANTLY your support network. It is the time to call in the wisdom of your best girl friends and let them wrap you in their care, excitement and celebration.
It is a also a chance to be filled to the brim with heartfelt sentiments, loving words and birth goddess adoration.
A time to replenish the well spring of your pregnant body, breathe a little deeper, nourish your heart and mind & begin a process of letting go what will no longer serve for labour and birth.
In many ways it is a reflection of ancient times, where women would have been held in a loving circle of women who helped her prepare for the upcoming birth through ritual, story, laughter and tears.
I am a birth doula, birth educator, Rite of Passage space holder and self professed, Undisturbed Birth Visionary.
I'm a Melbourne birth doula and educator and I want more women feeling confident about the magnificence of their birthing body and remembering a birth they felt autonomous, empowered and super present to.
I want women to feel FULLY SUPPORTED and SUPER SAFE to TRUST THEIR INTUITION and body to birth their babies strongly into the world.
And I have a secret desire to ensure Birth Partners are super confident, SKILLED and knowledgeable to create the loved - up birth bubble environment for the birth you are seeking.
I have birthed three babies naturally & undisturbed, experiencing one hospital birth & two homebirths In Melbourne (one accidental free birth where my baby came 3 minutes before the midwife).
Other Training:
I have training in Embodied Leadership, circle facilitation and Coaching with Julie Tenner, Optimal Maternal Positioning with Ginny Phang and a Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education. After using hypnobirthing in all my labours, I was a Hypnobirthing Australia™ Certified Practitioner from 2014-2021.
I added to my skills supporting pregnant women as a Birth Doula, learning from Melbourne’s highly regarded Rhea Dempsey in 2021.
Hi, I’m Cindy Fenn
“As soon as we met Cindy we knew we could trust her
Her energy is motherly, warm and calm,
the perfect combination to have during labour and birth.
She provided both practical, hands on support with
positioning, massage, acupressure, and other comfort measures,
She encouraged me, inspiring confidence when I was tired
and didn’t believe I could do it. “