About Cindy
I am a birth doula, birth educator, circle space holder and self professed, Undisturbed Birth Visionary.
I'm a Melbourne birth doula and educator and I want more women feeling confident about the magnificence of their birthing body and remembering a birth they felt autonomous and super present to.
I want women to feel FULLY SUPPORTED and SUPER SAFE to TRUST THEIR INTUITION and body to birth their babies strongly into the world.
And I have a secret desire to ensure Birth Partners are super confident, SKILLED and knowledgeable to create the loved - up birth bubble environment for the birth you are seeking.
I have birthed three babies naturally, undisturbed and fully supported.
One of my babies decided to come before his EDD (not in MY plan), one before the midwife arrived and one before I had time to wash my beach hair - but let's leave those glorious stories for another time because
this is about your birth - the day you meet your baby and birth yourself into a mother - yikes - that is BIG...Rite of Passage will always bring up the big stuff.
I'm here with you to walk alongside you at this BIG, exciting and significant highlight of your life.