Work with Me


Birth Doula Support

For the woman :

  • who wants deep presence in all the moments of her pregnancy, labour & birth

  • who is scared that the pain of birth will be too much for her

  • Who wants to be informed, educated and ready to birth with “I can do this” birth vibes

  • who wants to create a “birth love bubble” with a partner who feels confident enough with tools to help her let go into her birth experience

  • who wants a rock solid aligned team for birth

  • who wants to be loved, grounded and connected to her body, partner & intuition


  • 3 x 2 hour In person sessions (one a trimester) 

  • I x 1 hour Zoom  around birthing time

  • Voxer Support 24/7

  • During labour support at home & hospital

  • “On Call” from 37 weeks

  • 1 x 2 hour post birth session: Includes a Birth Debrief & one postpartum meal

    Price: $1999


Birth Doula plus Postpartum Package

For the woman :

  • who values her self care, worth over her Rite of Passage

  • seeking deep presence in all the moments of her pregnancy, birth and INCLUDING Postpartum

  • who senses the birth of her baby is just the beginning

  • desires a well supported & nourished start to her bonding and parenting journey.

  • wanting to be loved, nourished and connected to her body, partner and baby

  • be supported to trust her intuitive wisdom for mothering her baby as she bonds and finds her way


  • 3 x 2 hour In person sessions

    (one a trimester) 

  • I x 1 hour Zoom  “Final Zoom Call”

  • Voxer Support 24/7

  • During labour support at home & hospital

  • “On Call” from 37 weeks

  • Precious Postpartum Inclusion:

    3 x 3 hour sessions includes a Birth Debrief & one postpartum meal at each meeting

    Price: $2555

Presence ~ Your Virtual Doula

For the woman who:

  • Wants an additional layer of birth support but doesnt want a birth doula at her birth

  • is birthing within a model of continuity of care with midwifery support

  • Has had a healthy low risk pregnancy yet now everything appears to be high risk and you want an additional layer of support navigating this time

  • wants a supportive, non judgemnetal space to bring whatever is coming up for her in her pregnancy - nothing is too much here


  • Voxer Support for 4 weeks to answer questions and keep your mindset on track.

  • 2 x 30 minute  Zoom Calls ~ One to get started & one to wrap up

Price: $333


2 hour 1:1 session

Circle meets Birth Coaching

For the woman:

  • who wants to change their feeling state before they birth from

    overwelmed to calm

  • who wants to get to the heart of what is really going on for her in the final days or weeks of pregnancy.

  • who wants to shift her energy and connect to her body & baby

Inclusion :

  • 1 x 2 hour  1:1 online session with Cindy

  • Embodiment & Breathwork

  • Meditation to get the body super relaxed

  • Journalling to get to the heart of whats going on for you

  • Coaching to shift the energy and create the plan for where next

Price: $155